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Grayling Pure burn Timmy Grip

Reburn Certificates


Timmy Grips are made to be fished, and they have proven to hold up very well to hard fishing over the years by even my fellow guides. The sealer that I use has made them even more robust yet.


But, we also know that cork is a finite material.


That means I need to look forward a decade and anticipate a time when you might notice that, as the cork of your grip has worn, the contrast of the burn has started to fade after years of use.

For that reason, I offer a full-reburn service for a little less than half  the price of an original:


Any genuine Timmy Grip (ie. one that was burned by me) can be sent back to me to be cleaned and fully re-burned by hand.**   


Just purchase a Reburn Certificate below and you can send it to me with the butt section of your rod to be reburned.


(**See Requirements section in the purchase window)

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